Senin, 23 April 2018

Edu Passion

Edu Passion 2018 is an event of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung organized to give an  for 12th graders in continuing education to college. There are 37 college booths available. Class X, are given the task to make vlog at least 5 college and my group interviewed WAU, ITS, Telkom, Binus, and Euro Management universities. In the event this event is enlivened by the appearance of students of SMAN 3 Bandung, ranging from KPA3, MK3, KV3 and Band 3. Below is a video about interviews of  booths in the edu passion 2018 . The link of the video is :

Recommendation Letter

To whom it may concern, I, as the english teacher of 3 senior high school,  fully support Raisa Marsa's application for study at the ...